Thursday, September 20, 2012

Picture Perfect "Compromised" Theme

Good morning,evening, day or night which ever applies to you :)
As the norm it takes me several days to come up with a theme.
However this week I dug back into the files and came up with a shot
from one of the gatherings we did up in the Shenandoah Valley
in 2010..Most of the time is spent bonding and reacquainting ourselves
with old friends..its as much about the friendship as it is the shooting.
So this one was taken during a moment of frivolity and deals with the word

Compromised click the word for a list of the uses. For some of you the pic may not
make as much sense. But for those of you that have seen the little Gator it will
be crystal clear. So everyone have some fun and lets enjoy this last bit
of time here on Xply


gators PP
"Art is the Outward Manifestation of the Inner Need to Create Beauty"


  1. what a fun time we, even if 'compromised'.....

  2. hehehhee - mini-gator is having fun - nice one....
    here is mine :

  3. LMAO those were the days dude hahahaha!

  4. Won't have time to take part this week, but love that shot of 'mini gator' having fun :-))

  5. I posted something

  6. That sure looks like a fun time being had by all. Love the photo.

  7. well looks like ive made the rounds here..and baz that was an awesome adventure together and so looking forward to our next
